How the hippocampus represents the temporal distance to different goals?

Alison Montagrin, Denise E. Croote, Maria Giulia Preti, Liron Lerman, Mark G. Baxter, Daniela Schiller. Hippocampal timestamp for goals
bioRxiv 2023.07.27.550892; doi:

Our brain must manage multiple goals that differ in their temporal proximity. Some goals require immediate attention, while others have already been accomplished, or will be relevant later in time. Here, we examined how the hippocampus represents the temporal distance to different goals using a novel space-themed paradigm during 7T functional MRI (n=31). The hippocampus has an established role in mental time travel and a system in place to stratify information along its longitudinal axis on the basis of representational granularity. Previous work has documented a functional transformation from fine-grained, detail rich representations in the posterior hippocampus to coarse, gist-like representations in the anterior hippocampus. We tested whether the hippocampus uses this long axis system to dissociate goals based upon their temporal distance from the present. We hypothesized that the hippocampus would distinguish goals relevant for ones’ current needs from those that are removed in time along the long axis, with temporally removed past and future goals eliciting increasingly anterior activation. We sent participants on a mission to Mars where they had to track goals that differed in when they needed to be accomplished. We observed a long-axis dissociation, where temporally removed past and future goals activated the left anterior hippocampus and current goals activated the left posterior hippocampus. Altogether, this study demonstrates that the timestamp attached to a goal is a key driver in where the goal is represented in the hippocampus. This work extends the scope of the hippocampus’ long axis system to the goal-mapping domain.”

Alison Montagrin, Denise E. Croote, Maria Giulia Preti, Liron Lerman, Mark G. Baxter, Daniela Schiller. Hippocampal timestamp for goals
bioRxiv 2023.07.27.550892; doi: