Whether hippocampal spatial coding principles also provide a universal metric for the organization of non-spatial information?

The latest investigation by Theves et al. 2019  revealed the hippocampus encodes distances in multidimensional feature space.

• The hippocampus encodes distances in multidimensional feature space
• Converging evidence from multivoxel pattern and fMRI adaptation analyses
• Results suggest domain-general hippocampal coding for “cognitive space”

The hippocampal formation encodes maps of the physical environment. A key question in neuroscience is whether its spatial coding principles also provide a universal metric for the organization of non-spatial information. Initial evidence comes from studies revealing directional modulation of fMRI responses in humans. However, a critical feature of a map-like representation is information about distances between locations, which has yet only been demonstrated for physical space.

Theves et al. 2019 probe whether the hippocampus similarly encodes distances between points in an abstract space spanned by continuous stimulus-feature dimensions that were relevant to the acquisition of a novel concept. They find that, after learning, two-dimensional distances between individual positions in the abstract space were represented in the hippocampal multivoxel pattern as well as in the univariate hippocampal signal as indexed by fMRI adaptation. These results support the notion that the hippocampus computes domain-general, multidimensional cognitive maps along continuous dimensions.



For further info, please read the paper Theves, S. et al. 2019.

Theves, S., Fernandez, G., Doeller, C. F. (2019). The Hippocampus Encodes Distances in Multidimensional Feature Space. Current Biology. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2019.02.035