德国慕尼黑大学空间智能实验室Spatial Intelligence Lab


Spatial Intelligence Lab





  • 识别、校准草绘地图(Recognition and alignment of sketch maps);
  • 寻路辅助的认知和空间学习(Cognitive wayfinding assistance and spatial learning);
  • 表达空间的模糊性(Representing spatial vagueness);
  • 移动设备地理信息可用性(Usability of mobile and tangible devices for geospatial information)




       空间智能实验室的识别、校准草绘地图研究项目属于DFG资助的Sketch Mapia 项目(www.sketchmapia.de)的一部分。SketchMapia项目的目的是开发一套草绘地图采集、识别、解释、集成和可视化框架。根据VGI的思想,SketchMapia利用草绘地图来贡献地理信息。该项目项公众开发了许多地理信息系统功能。尽管人们在绘制地图时存在很多困难,一些用户仍可以利用SketchMapia的接口生产用户所需的空间内容。然而,由于人们认知的差异,草绘地图通常不完整、变形、图形化,因此草绘地图没有矢量地图那么精确。SketchMapia项目提出了一种定性计算模型以计算机可理解的方式表达草绘地图。SketchMapia将多种草绘地图和矢量图集成到一个数据仓库中,用户可以通过查询接口进行访问。在该项目涉及到草绘对象的语义识别、草绘地图校准的认知规则、定性的形式描述、草绘地图的计算模型。



研究方向二:寻路辅助的认知和空间学习(Cognitive Wayfinding Assistance and Spatial Learning)





研究方向三:表达空间模糊性(Representing Spatial Vagueness)










Spatial Intelligence Lab – Institute for Geoinformatics

Who We Are and What We Do

The Spatial Intelligence Lab is part of the Institute for Geoinformatics at the University of Muenster and deals with research problems from the interdisciplinary field of geographic information science, computer science and cognitive science.

Our research focuses on the investigation of intelligent representation and processing of spatial information as well as the examination of human strategies to acquire and organize knowledge about spatial environments. We investigate experimentally human abilities of spatial cognition and cognition of complex spatial environments. At present, particular focus lies on the recognition of real-world objects represented by sketch drawings and the investigation of cognitive maps via analyzing sketch maps. Based on these psychological findings, we develop intelligent computational systems and novel strategies for knowledge processing that are more similar to the human way of thinking. We aim at making spatial information processing more efficient and the interaction with GI software easier. Usability studies are applied to evaluate our new approaches for their usability.



Our research brings together topics from a diverse array of subject areas under the unified theme "intelligent representation and processing of geospatial information" . We are particularly interested in understanding the techniques that human agents employ to structure spatial knowledge and use this understanding to provide better methods for interacting with GI systems. Our current research topics are grouped into four main areas:

Recognition and alignment of sketch maps

SIL's research on recognition and alignment of sketch maps is carried within the DFG funded Sketch Mapia project (www.sketchmapia.de). SketchMapia is a project that aims to develop a framework for collection, recognition, interpretation, integration and visualization of sketch maps. In the context of Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI), SketchMapia employs sketch maps for contribution of geographic information. It opens more capabilities of Geographic Information Systems (GISs) to the general public. In spite people who have difficulties to draw a map, all others can use the sketching interface that SketchMapia provides to produce user-generated spatial contents. However, due to human cognition, sketch maps are incomplete, distorted, schematized, and therefore not as accurate as metric maps. The Sketch Mapia project develops a qualitative computational model to represent sketch maps in a computer-understandable way. SketchMapia integrates information from various sketch maps and metric maps into one data repository which can be queried by users via a query-by-sketch interface. The main research topics within the Sketch Mapia cover the semantic recognition of sketched objects, cognitive criteria for sketch map alignment and their qualitative formalization as well as computational aspects for sketch map alignment.

For the semantic recognition of sketch map objects, we develop algorithms to extract the location and the meaning of objects within the images. On this level the research covers low level and mid level image processing techniques as well as high level images understanding methods. Sketch maps are often considered as externalizations of cognitive maps. Thus, sketch maps appear to have similar characteristics as cognitive maps: They are schematized and distort directions, distances, size, and shapes. . This research investigates the reliability and accuracy of sketching aspects for aligning sketch maps automatically with the corresponding real-world configurations represented on metric maps. Reliable qualitative sketching aspects indicating orientation, distance, topology, serial or cyclic order are extracted and formalized using existing qualitative calculi. SketchMapia aims at qualitative representations that are robust against schematizations and distortions, and provide a basis for qualitative alignment of spatial objects from sketch maps with those from metric maps. Qualitative alignment of a pair  of sketch maps involves matching the qualitative constrain networks of the pair such that the greatest possible number of  qualitative constraints is satisfied. Sketch maps are usually drawn at a more abstract level than metric maps, often aggregating regions that in metric maps would be seperate and aggregating spatial relations that in metric maps would be more precisely determined. Error-tolerant matching methods must therefore be used to account for differences in levels of abstraction inorder to improve the quality of alignment.

Cognitive Wayfinding Assistance and Spatial Learning

Research on cognitively enabled wayfinding has led to new path planning algorithms computing easyto-follow routes with descriptive instructions. Nevertheless, current research still adheres to the principles of traditional navigation systems: routes are given as sequences of instructions that users need to execute step-by-step. Instead of forming a logical sequence of instructions embedded in the overall task, each instruction is isolated and reduced to a minimum of information content. The user’s wayfinding task is cut down to executing predetermined actions at given locations.

This research direction suggests new wayfinding assistance systems that support the acquisition of spatial knowledge and cognitive map-making for advancing the user’s orientation in unfamiliar environments. Wayfinding instructions are to be embedded in the context of the environment and the overall task. Instructions enriched with information that can be related to the user’s cognitive map helps users to get and remain orientated. This makes wayfinding more successful because it enables users to take informed spatial decisions for circumnavigating traffic, taking shortcuts or including spontaneous
detours. Our research determines which context information advances orientation of users and how this information has to be represented.

Representing Spatial Vagueness

Understanding and representing regions which have no well defined boundaries has always been of interest to geographers. Despite being intuitive to humans who use terms to describe vague regions in everyday language, digitally representing such places is a challenge. This is important in order to perform reasoning tasks in geospatial applications, AI or the semantic web. Our research in this direction investigates how existing methods can be classified from the perspective of user requirements. Methods of interest to us include probabilistic and fuzzy methods, rough sets and egg-yolk models, supervaluation semantics, and triangulated irregular networks for delineation of such regions.

In addition to this we investigate where the semantics of such regions can improve the models by presenting users with a view that is tailored to their profile and intended use. We address the problem of how such a contextual view of the vague regions can be developed and  presented to users.

Usability of Mobile and Tangible Devices for Geospatial Information

The research focus on capturing and representing the semantics of spatial information in order to enable effective and accurate information processing. Intelligent methods are required to provide optimal support for users' needs and overcome semantic interoperability problems. Our research is also directed at semantic annotations of spatial data and the development of models to measure semantic similarity of natural language expressions.

Consistent and flawless communication between humans and machines is the precondition for a computer to process instructions correctly. While machines use well-defined languages and formal rules to process information, humans prefer natural-language expressions with vague semantics. We investigate experimentally the meaning of natural-language spatial relations and develop a computational model to specify the semantics and reason on spatial relations. Natural-language relations and cognitively plausible operations shall improve query languages of geographic information systems and increase the usability for humans.